Inspired by this beautiful movie, I made a quick sketchy attempt of Rachel Weisz, just in time for from avoiding losing my daily post to the blog. Can't go on like this, though.
It seems it's kind of a recurring theme sketching weirdo types as the one below these lines. Most of the time, they're hurt, dirty and bleeding. This one was whining as well. You can't have it all, folks!
I'm running out of images here, so it's time to make new ones, in order not to let the ball drop. See you soon.
Well, sometimes air travel can be pretty boring when flying long hours. When in lack of imagination or plainly being tired, the available magazines can bring unexpected beauties.
I remember her name was Gimenes, nothing else. I'm quite sure she was clever too!
Following a personal quest and also inspired or pushed by people like Danny Gregory and my friend Aleix, I've decided to come up with a blog in order to keep going. Here you'll find anything non-linearly produced or connected:
Sketches, ravings, music /comic /movie comments, design, architecture, digital illustrations and whatever rings my bell, whenever it may pop up into my mind!